Monday, April 6, 2015

5. Work of Visual Art

Marxl. Batman: Dark Knight. Digital image. N.p., Nov. 2013. Web. 19 Apr. 2015. <>.

This image is a excellent representation of the anti-hero. The person in this picture is obviously Batman but if someone saw him for the first time without any knowledge of the character, then Batman could easily be mistaken for a villain. The picture is dark and mysterious, like Batman himself. As a child, he was forced to see his parents killed by a thief which sparked his crime fighting life. His sense of justice is crude and violent. When he is not a narcissistic billionaire, he is an unforgiving villain stopper. Batman is not bound by the laws of his city and is regarded as a vigilante. Typically, heroes are visualized as bright and shiny, but this picture clearly shows otherwise. One would not imagine a hero to be paired with a violent storm, blackness, and uncertainty.

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